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AST – tematy prac doktorskich w naborze w 2019 r.

Podajemy tematy dostępne dla kandydatów do Szkoły Doktorskiej AST w ramach poszczególnych dyscyplin w naborze w 2019 r. Szczegółowe informacje zawarte są w dołączonych plikach PDF. Projekty oznaczone czerwonym kolorem czcionki zostały już wybrane i nie są dostępne dla kandydatów w przyszłych naborach.


  1. Studying cosmic voids and dark matter via Doppler lensing
  2. Numerical simulations of Cosmic Ray Propagation in Galaxies
  3. Using Maser Variability to Probe the Episodic Accretion and Outflow Events in High-Mass Star Forming Regions

Nauki biologiczne

  1. Role of the stringent response in crop plants growth and development
  2. Detection of chemical predatory cues as a competitive advantage of invasive over native fish species
  3. Plant functional traits drive plant associations in European inland salt marshes
  4. Social learning in anti-predation defence as a competitive advantage of invasive over native fish species
  5. Xylem plasticity in response to long-term climate change
  6. Effective heat dissipation as a limiting factor for the successful bird migration
  7. The effect of IAA-aspartate on post-translational modifications of pea (Pisum sativum L.) proteins during various abiotic stresses
  8. Nuclear retention of mRNA as a new mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in plant cells
  9. The basis of phenotypic plasticity of Arabidopsis thaliana root system to the variable electromagnetic field: evidences for the involvement of auxin and calcium signalling

Nauki chemiczne

  1. Study of the interaction of human plasma proteins with selected drugs under stressful conditions
  2. Study of molecular mechanisms of metal-protein binding
  3. Novel biopolymer composites containing photoactive BODIPY compounds as a potential drugs for PDT
  4. Studies on the synthesis of graphene foams of diversified application
  5. Synthesis and application of a new class of nitrogen halogen catalysts
  6. Biopolymer blends as new environmentally friendly materials
  7. Biopolymer composites – development and evaluation of the physicochemical properties
  8. Obtaining new polymer matrices with potential applications in the cosmetics industry
  9. Organocatalytic strategy leading to the domino/cascade reactions via acyl enolate activation of the carbonyl group
  10. Asymmetric N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) organocatalysis as an effective tool for the synthesis of functionalized organic compounds
  11. The synthesis and spectral measurements of highly fluorescent boron fluorophores
  12. The synthesis of highly fluorescent spectral probes capable to intermolecular interactions – potential compounds for OLED materials
  13. New directions of multinuclear titanium(IV) oxo-complexes synthesis and their use for the production of photo- and bioactive nanocomposite materials
  14. Mechanistic studies on the interaction of nanoscale coordination compounds at the solidliquid interface of chemical processes
  15. Application of non-organometallic Ir(III) complexes as models for cellular redox modulation
  16. Metabolic inserting of lanthanide ions (cerium, terbium) in diatom biosilica by cultivation of selected diatom species under laboratory conditions
  17. Synthesis and characterization of new nanostructured copper nitride materials

Nauki fizyczne

  1. Interaction of light with quantum systems of different degrees of symmetry
  2. Open quantum systems beyond Markovian semigroup
  3. Experimental investigation of 1.2 micrometer oxygen band
  4. Dynamics of microstates transitions in neural networks
  5. Implementation of inquiry-based teaching methods in physics
  6. Ab initio DFT – practical tool for computational chemistry
  7. Adaptive optics and optical phase modulation techniques for OCT imaging of the retina and choroid of the human eye
  8. Parallel imaging techniques in optical coherence tomography for biomedical applications
  9. Visualization and quantitative analysis of vascular networks in OCT imaging of the eye
  10. Highly accurate line intensity studies of weak molecular transitions for atmospheric application
  11. Machine Learning  in  All-atom  Simulations
  12. Improving Catalytic Properties of Biotechnological Enzyme Nitrile Hydratase. Molecular Modelling Approach
  13. Generalizing realignment criterion and related entanglement criteria to multipartite scenario
  14. Optical methods for imaging of morphology and functions of the human eye for diagnostics of neurodegenerative diseases
  15. Modern quantum embedding approaches for the design of efficient organic photovoltaic materials
  16. Ultra-stable optical cavities in KL FAMO for metrology and fundamental physics
  17. Artificial molecules from crystal phase quantum dots: machine learning approach
  18. Collisions of cold atoms and molecules in presence of spontaneous emission or autoionization


  1. Dynamics of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations on RN -Topological Approach
  2. Littlewood-Richardson combinatorics and Coxeter spectral analysis in the study of Lie algebras and Birkhoff type problems
  3. Furstenberg systems of aperiodic multiplicative functions

Nauki o Ziemi i środowisku

  1. Late Weichselian glacial megafloods at the southern sector of the Scandinavian ice sheet: geomorphic records and palaeogeographic implications