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tel.: +48 56 611 3310

Project PROM

PROM Edition 2019 Click to enter!

The international exchange of Ph.D. students and academic staff at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń 

The aim of the PROM project is to increase the level of internationalization in research and education during Ph.D. studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (NCU) in the fields of astronomy, physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, cognitive science and psychology. The project is carried out between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019 and consists of three main types of activities:

Action I Co-funding of the participation of foreign Ph.D. students and invited lecturers in the interdisciplinary summer school in astrochemistry, quantum chemistry and precise spectroscopy, which will be organised on July 1-12, 2019, at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy, and Informatics NCU

Action II Co-funding of the active participation of Ph.D. students from NCU in international conferences related to the subject of doctoral theses, during which they will be obliged to present the results of their research in the form of a conference poster or presentation;

Action III Co-funding of the participation of Ph.D. students in short international exchanges such as research internships, workshops, etc., which are closely related to the subjects of their Ph.D. theses; co-funding includes visits of NCU Ph.D. students abroad and internships of foreign Ph.D. students at NCU;

Rules of the co-funding
Accommodation and travel expenses are calculated on the basis of a lump sum taking into account the length of stay and the distance to the destination (Annex No. 1 to the Regulations), as well as in the case of conference/workshop abroad attended by NCU Ph.D. students – the full costs of fee specified by the meeting organisers (e.g. the conference fee).

Application procedure
As part of the project, two calls for applications will be opened on October 30, 2018 and January, 7, 2019. The respective deadlines will be November 14, 2018 (Action II and III) and January 25, 2019 (Action II and supplementary call for Action III). The list of participants selected for co-funding will be announced on December 6, 2018 (1st call) and February 17, 2019 (2nd call), respectively. 

Applications shall be submitted in English by email to Dr. Justyna Cembrzyńska (Action I; or Mrs. Monika Korzeniewska  (Action II and III;
A complete application should contain:
  • CV,
  • list of publications,
  • cover letter specifying the connection between the planned trip and the theme of the Ph.D. thesis,
  • (optional) recommendation letter from the Ph.D. advisor,
  • (in the case of Action II) information about the planned conference presentation,
  • (in the case of Action III) a letter from the internship advisor or meeting organizer,
  • estimate of the cost of the trip (Annex No. 3 to the Regulations),
  • statement confirming the knowledge of the terms and conditions and about the need for the agreement to process personal data (Annex No. 4 to the Regulations).

Evaluation procedure
The submitted application is assessed by the Scientific Organizing Committee (Action I) or the Qualification Committee (Actions II and III) in formal terms and substantive basis. They will take into account:

  • scientific achievements of the applicant, in particular scientific publications in international journals with the leading role of the applicant,
  • scientific activity and motivation of the applicant to pursue a scientific career; in case of Action III: also in the context of the planned collaboration with the foreign collaborator; in case of Action I: also in the contexto of potential impacto f the school for further research plans;
  • research plan (Action III), taking into account whether the theme of the internship is connected to the PhD thesis,
  • quality of the planned conference presentation (Action I and II),
  • prestige of the conference or the host institution (Action II and III),
  • prior knowledge in the theme of the summer school and its connection to the PhD thesis (Action I).

Contact information
Project coordinator – Dr. Agata Karska (
Assistant project coordinator – Mrs. Monika Korzeniewska (
Summer school coordinator – Dr. Justyna Cembrzyńska (

Additional documents
Terms and conditions of the PROM project
Attachement nr 1 – Lump sums in the PROM program
Attachement nr 2 – Model of the agreement between the Beneficiary and the Project Participant
Attachement nr 3 – Estimate of the cost of the trip
Attachement nr 4 – Statements

Results of the 1st call

Results of the 2nd call