Nicolaus Copernicus University has been awarded full funding under the PROM program (NAWA) – Short-term Academic Exchange. The PROM program provides students and PhD candidates with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in an international environment, which participants can utilize at various stages of their professional careers. It also facilitates Polish universities and research institutions in establishing and strengthening collaborations with foreign institutions.
NCU has been granted funding of PLN 1,725,400.00. Out of 60 applications, with a total value of PLN 72,965,207.33, only 19 projects were selected for funding.
The Faculty of Physics, Astronomy, and Informatics will lead the project (project coordinator: Dr. Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc), with the following faculties and centers as beneficiaries: the Faculty of Chemistry, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, the Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Modern Technologies.
The project will include a total of 124 mobility opportunities, such as internships, participation in prestigious conferences, and summer and winter schools.
Stay tuned for more details on application dates and requirements, which will be posted on our website soon.