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NCU in the Shanghai ranking

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NCU once again has been included in the world's oldest ranking of universities photo: fot. Andrzej Romański

The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń is one of eight universities in Poland listed in this year's Academic Ranking of World Universities. The world's oldest ranking of universities classifies the top 1,000 universities in the world.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), referred to as the Shanghai ranking, is considered the forerunner of global rankings. Of the over 2,500 universities ranked, a ranking of the top 1,000 is published. The ARWU ranking is prepared by the Institute of Higher Education at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (hence the name 'Shanghai ranking').

Eight Polish universities are included in this year's list. Last year ARWU listed nine universities from Poland, and two years ago - 11.

In the 2024 Shanghai ranking, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń was ranked in the tenth hundred (places 901-1000) together with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, AGH University of Science and Technology, Warsaw University of Technology and Medical University of Wrocław. Jagiellonian University and the University of Warsaw were also included in the ranking (places 401-500), as well as Gdańsk University of Technology (places 801-900).

Three American universities made it to the podium of the world ranking: Harvard University, Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

2024 Shanghai Ranking

The ranking takes into account the scientific and research achievements of universities. The creators of the ARWU ranking factor in, among other things, international scientific successes, the number of graduates and staff who have been awarded the Nobel Prize or the Fields Medal, the number of most frequently cited scientists, the number of publications in the prestigious journals Nature and Science, the number of publications listed in selected citation indices (Science Citation Index - Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index) etc.

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