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Engineering & Informatics in Biomedicine – a new master’s degree course

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photo: Iwona Gorczyńska

Teaching at a new academic specialty, Engineering & Informatics in Biomedicine (EIB3), starts in the summer semester of the 2018/2019 academic year, i.e. on February 25th, 2019. EIB3 is a 3-semester course, one of the three specialties available for students pursuing master’s degree in Technical Physics at Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.

Recruitment information
Online candidates’ registration is obligatory prior to an interview. 

Interview date and place:
February 20th, 2019, at 9:00 a.m., room 23, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, NCU in Toruń, street address: Grudziądzka 5/7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland


The purpose of Engineering & Informatics in Biomedicine teaching course is to provide students with knowledge in design and engineering of biomedical devices, analysis of biomedical signals and images, and basic knowledge in biomedical informatics. The obtained competences will complement the existing students’ skills and knowledge in technical, computer and/or biophysical/biomedical sciences. 

Core subjects of the teaching course:

  • Biophysics, Introduction to optical systems design,
  • GPU programming,
  • FPGA programming,
  • Laboratory of technical physics and engineering & informatics in biomedicine.

Subjects for students’ choice include three thematic groups:

  • Biomedical: Bio-nanomateriasls, Biological and medical data bases, Introduction to tomography, Medical statistics, Molecular dynamics, Optical molecular spectroscopy, Dosimetry; 
  • Engineering: Biomedical devices, Biomedical signals analysis, The eye and optometric devices, Optical engineering – methods and applications, Laser optics, Atomic Forces Microscopy, Nanophotonics and plasmonics, Architecture of computer-controlled systems;
  • Computer sciences: Programming languages, Object programming, Programming in Python, Radiomics, Image analysis and recognition, Computer aided drugs design.

A detailed teaching programme 

Teaching can be conducted in Polish or in English, depending on the students’ preferences.

All subjects of the Engineering & Informatics in Biomedicine teaching course are available as subjects of choice for students of all master’s degree and PhD degree courses at Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics after obtaining approval of the teaching-course supervisors.

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