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Professor Włodzisław Duch is a "Fellow" of AAIA (Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association)

Scan of the certificate of AAIA Fellow of prof. Duch
Certificate of AAIA Fellow photo: nadesłane

We are pleased to announce that Professor Włodzisław Duch has been elected as a 'Fellow' in the AAIA (Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association).

Professor Włodzisław Duch currently working at the Institute of Engineering and Technology, is a physicist, computer scientist and cognitive scientist. His research interests were initially in computational methods of quantum mechanics, computer physics, physics foundations and interpretation of quantum mechanics. Since the late 1980s, his interests have shifted towards the theory and applications of neural networks, machine learning, artificial intelligence methods, brain function modelling and neurocognitive technologies. He was a founding member of the Polish Society for Neural Networks (1995) and later of the Society for Artificial Intelligence (2010). From the late 1990s, he was involved in the establishment of cognitive science in Poland, co-founding the first journal in the field and the Polish Cognitive Science Society (2001). He served two terms as President of the European Neural Network Society (2006-2011). In 2013 he was elected an honorary member (Fellow) of the International Neural Network Society (INNS) and a member of the Complex Systems Commission of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. Since 2013, he has been heading the Neurocognitive Laboratory at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Modern Technologies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, and since 2020 the team Neuroinformatics and Artificial Intelligence, part of the University Centre of Excellence Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence. In 2012, he took up the position of Vice-Chancellor for Research and Informatisation at UMK. In 2014-15 he was Undersecretary of State (Deputy Minister) at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

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