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  • W. Duch, W. Nowak, J. Meller, G. Osiński, K. Dobosz, Dariusz Mikołajewski , Grzegorz M. Wójcik,
    "Computational Approach to Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders"
    Computer Science 13 (2012), 47-61
    DOI: 10.7494/csci.2012.13.2.47

  • R. Adamczak, Pillardy Jarosław, Vallat Brinda, J. Meller,
    "Fast Geometric Consensus Approach for Protein Model Quality Assessment"
    J. Comput. Biol. 18 (2011), 1807-1818
    DOI: 10.1089/cmb.2010.0170

  • Phatak M, R. Adamczak, Cao B, J. Meller,
    "Solvent and Lipid Accessibility Prediction as a Basis for Model Quality Assessment in Soluble and Membrane Proteins"
    Curr. Protein Pept. Sci. 12(6) (2011), 563-573

  • Karthikeyan Swaminathan, R. Adamczak, Aleksey Porollo, J. Meller,
    "Enhanced prediction of conformational flexibility and phosphorylation in proteins."
    Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 680 (2010), 307-319