What constitutes a good theory of mind?

Wlodzislaw Duch
Department of InformaticsNicolaus Copernicus University,
Grudziadzka 5, 87-100 Torun, Poland.
E-mail: wduch@fizyka.umk.pl

American neopragmatism: honoring philosophy of Hilary Putnam,
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland 8-12.08. 1998

Naturalistic solution to the problem of mind is in agreement with the growing number of experimental facts. At the same time fantastic ideas about the mind in general and consciousness in particular abound. A lot of philosophical efforts is devoted to solutions of non-existing problems. In this paper errors in recent discussions and thought experiments in the philosophy of mind are pointed out. Once these errors are recognized identifying mind with global dynamics of the brain leads to simple solutions to many philosophical problems, including the hard problem of consciousness.

Paper in PDF, 47 KB

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