Learning highly non-separable Boolean functions using Constructive Feedforward Neural Network

Marek Grochowski and Wlodzislaw Duch
Department of Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Grudziadzka 5, 87-100 Torun, Poland.


Learning problems with inherent non-separable Boolean logic is still a challenge that has not been addressed by neural or kernel classifiers. The k-separability concept introduced recently allows for characterization of complexity of non-separable learning problems. A simple constructive feedforward network that uses a modified form of the error function and a window-like functions to localize outputs after projections on a line has been tested on such problems with quite good results. The computational cost of training is low because most nodes and connections are fixed and only weights of one node are modified at each training step. Several examples of learning Boolean functions and results of classification tests on real-world multiclass datasets are presented.

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Reference: M. Grochowski, W. Duch, Learning highly non-separable Boolean functions using Constructive Feedforward Neural Network, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4668, 2007, pp. 180-189.

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